Ascend 5-Point Action Agenda
We call on our members, partners and associates to join us along with the growing list of Supporting Companies in affirming the 5-Point Action Agenda.
Originally formed to address the adverse effects of COVID-19 on diverse and underrepresented groups, the effort brought to light underlying issues around race, discrimination and hate that require greater focus and the need for change in the workplace and in society today.
100+ Corporations & Partner Organizations Support COVID-19 Action Agenda
Ascend, ALPFA, Catalyst, The Conference Board, MLT, NABA, NCAI, NOD, Out & Equal and Tanenbaum Collaborate on COVID-19 Action Response
Join the Action
Collectively our ten organizations are leading conveners for business leaders in championship for diverse communities: Pan-Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, women, LGBTQ, Native Americans, persons with disabilities and employees of all and no faiths. We redouble on our mission of promoting inclusion and stand together in collaboration to address the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. While low-wage earners are particularly vulnerable during this public health and economic crisis, the coronavirus outbreak has also claimed disproportionate numbers of lives in communities of color and has given rise to a surge of anti-Asian sentiment. We call on our members, partners and associates to join us along with the growing list of Supporting Companies in affirming the following 5-Point Action Agenda:
Promote Inclusion: Advocate for a diverse and inclusive workplace and society
Raise Awareness: Highlight the unique impacts of COVID-19 and bias incidents on vulnerable groups
Denounce Bias: Encourage individuals to report discriminatory acts against Pan-Asians and other targeted groups and communities in the workplace and in public
Support Communities: Contribute time, knowledge and /or other resources to aid frontline workers, COVID-19 victims and families and to advance positive workplace and societal change
Give Donations: Provide funds and / or other resources to support vulnerable populations of people and impacted businesses and support workthat progresses positive sustainable change for the future
Finding sustainable solutions to the current public health, social and economic challenges is a global imperative. Discrimination targeted at Pan-Asians in forms of shunning, harassment and assaults impedes our ability to stem the spread of the pandemic. About 20% of U.S. healthcare workers are immigrants; 17% of doctors in the U.S. are of Asian descent, while people of all backgrounds work to save lives on the frontline. Discriminatory threats against any first responders also put at risk the patients they serve and delay finding a cure for the disease. Pan-Asians and our diverse communities are an integral part of the solutions to this global crisis.
Heeding historical precedents for scapegoating marginalized groups for diseases and economic instability, our organizations are working together to combat anti-Asian stigma and all forms of bias based on age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation and veteran status. We will continue to advance best practices to safeguard protections for Pan-Asians and other marginalized employee segments. These efforts also include working with key coalitions such as CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion to advance awareness and education of bias at the highest levels of the business community.
We recognize the fight against the current pandemic requires a whole-of-society approach. We urge supporters to engage in our programming, share widely our 5-Point Action Agenda and resource materials. Post-COVID-19 recovery will require the collective networks, capacities, knowledge and skills of our organizations. Almost 200 years ago, Alexis de Tocqueville observed that the success of America’s experiment is our exceptional belief in the "common good." We are all in this together; now more than ever, we need to ascend to the challenges before us and rebuild a whole post-crisis world. Together, our organizations and Supporting Companies will act to catalyze progress for our resilient future.
Anna Mok President, Ascend
Damian Rivera CEO, ALPFA
Lorraine Hariton President & CEO, Catalyst
Steve Odland President & CEO, The Conference Board
John Rice CEO & Founder, Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT)
Walter J. Smith, CPA President & CEO, National Association of Black Accountants (NABA, Inc.)
Fawn R. Sharp President, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
Carol Glazer President, National Organization on Disability
Erin Uritus CEO, Out & Equal
Joyce S. Dubensky, Esq. CEO, Tanenbaum
Originally formed to address the adverse effects of COVID-19 on diverse and underrepresented groups, Ascend, with a consortium of nine co-signing organizational partners, created the 5-Point Action Agenda to underscore our intent to raise awareness of the various impacts of the coronavirus outbreak on vulnerable communities. Today, this effort continues to increase awareness and embrace the 5-Points to: Promote Inclusion, Raise Awareness, Denounce Bias, Support Communities and Give Donations. The effort brought to light underlying issues around race, discrimination and hate that require greater focus and the need for positive, sustainable change in the workplace and in society today.
Promote Inclusion: Advocate for a diverse and inclusive workplace and society
Raise Awareness: Highlight the unique impacts of COVID-19 and bias incidents on vulnerable groups
Denounce Bias: Encourage individuals to report discriminatory acts against Pan-Asians and other targeted groups and communities in the workplace and in public
Support Communities: Contribute time, knowledge and /or other resources to aid frontline workers, COVID-19 victims and families and to advance positive workplace and societal change
Give Donations: Provide funds and / or other resources to support vulnerable populations of people and impacted businesses and support workthat progresses positive sustainable change for the future
The 5-Point Action Agenda is not a fundraising endeavor. There are no financial or policy requirements for this commitment, rather it is to show the Supporting Company's pledge to and adoption of these points. We encourage each company to follow the 5-point Action Agenda whether it is executing programs and / or initiatives within the company or in association with our consortium of organizational partners or other non-governmental / community-based organizations. We ask that Supporting Companies commit to reporting out their actions and plans periodically during each calendar year.
We launched the announcement on Thursday, April 30, 2020 which was published on the websites of all 10 of the co-signing organizational partners. Companies and organizations have posted about the Joint Announcement and Press Release across multiple social media platforms and we will be externally communicating. We are continuing to share new supporting companies and organizations publicly to promote this on-going effort.
We will share communications guidelines with social media postings and hashtags. Some companies have sent an organization wide email announcing their support to the broader enterprise as well as posting it internally on the intranet. Suggested Actions: Follow @Ascendleader on Twitter, Instagram; Ascendleadership on LinkedIn, Facebook, publish content across corporate and executive social channels, use #AscendTogether, #Ascendleadership across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Supporting companies are listed on our Ascend Foundation webpage.
Please send an email to
Ascend Foundation announced the Ascend Impact Fund in May 2021. The Ascend Impact Fund supports work focused on:
Advocacy: Share, inform, and advance the AAPI story through a unified voice
Allyship: Foster allyship in the workplace and society through programs and partnerships that work across racial lines to educate and increase awareness and understanding
Education: Develop and deliver education to increase knowledge about AAPIs in history, uncover underlying causes of race and bias, and dispel the model minority myth
Thought Leadership: Conduct and publish research and data on issues relating to AAPIs in the workforce
Mobilization: Engage in alliances, volunteerism, innovator challenges, to positively impact and support the AAPI community