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Ascend Connecticut & Westchester: Communications Workshop

On Wednesday April 26, 8 - 9 pm Eastern, Ascend CT-Westchester will be hosting a discussion on the application and the implication of AI tools like ChatGPT, a red hot topic in the work and investment space over last few months.  
Specifically, we will discuss around the table, and debate questions like:

  • How should professionals deal with AI tools like ChatGPT that have become very popular?  

  • What are the use cases anyone tried, and what were your experiences like?  

  • What are the benefits and risks of using AI tools? 

  • Should we carefully regulate AI or not?  

The purpose of our Ascend Communication Workshop is to provide a forum to practice and improve verbal communication skills that have constrained the growth of many Asian professionals. Ascend research over the years have demonstrated that enhanced communication skills are critical to accelerate one's career advancement and realize one's true potential in career and in life. We want to provide a safe place, after-work time and precious opportunity for motivated professionals to practice, receive feedback and grow.   
Please attend our next Communication Workshop and discuss a hot topic like ChatGPT!

Contact Information: Hanson Ku (

Register for the event at

Event Time Zone: Eastern Time

April 23

Ascend Connecticut & Westchester: Spring Family Picnic

April 27

2023 Aspiring Directors Academy & Corporate Directors Pinnacle Summit