Event Canceled
Thank you for registering for the Mastering the Clock: Unleashing the Power of Effective Time Management event scheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event will now be postponed to a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and your registration fees will be refunded promptly. If you have any questions regarding the event cancellation, please feel free to reach out to houston@ascendleadership.org.
Once again, we apologize for the last minute change in the event schedule, and we appreciate your understanding and support! We look forward to seeing you at a future Ascend event.
Contact Information: Zara Khan (zakhan@deloitte.com)
Event Time Zone: Central Time
*Safety of our guests is paramount to Ascend. Attendees are responsible for monitoring their own condition and agree to comply with the safety, hygiene and CDC identified pandemic level communicable illnesses (including COVID-19) guidelines established by relevant health authorities. We request that attendees not attend an event should they test positive or if they experience COVID symptoms prior to the event.