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Ascend New England: Hiking Event

Hiking Event - Event Canceled

We regret to inform you that the Hiking Event, which is supposed to take place on Saturday, September 16th is canceled due to poor weather conditions. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

Contact Information: Jayanth Yalamanchi (

Event Time Zone: Eastern Time

*Safety of our guests is paramount to Ascend. Attendees are responsible for monitoring their own condition and agree to comply with the safety, hygiene and CDC identified pandemic level communicable illnesses (including COVID-19) guidelines established by relevant health authorities. We request that attendees not attend an event should they test positive or if they experience COVID symptoms prior to the event.

September 15

I Ascend Southeast Chapter Meet & Greet

September 19

Ascend New York Meet & Greet