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Ascend New York Metro: Dismantling Barriers and Ascending

Dismantling Barriers and Ascending is a panel discussion that aims to provide shared experiences

and innovative solutions to overcome the challenges faced by the Asian American community in the

workplace and in society, 

Our distinguished panelists will share - 

1. How we can move beyond the biases/stereotypes we face in the workplace and our own biases 

    (cultural and/or societal) that have impeded progress

2. How we can feel more empowered and take actionable steps towards change; i.e., strategies for 

    advancement, empowerment, and achieving success

3. Practical tips beyond typical messages directed at AAPI employees such as "Speak up more", "Be

    more confident" and "Don't be so shy", etc.

Be part of this empowering conversation and learn how together, we can break down the barriers and ascend to new heights.

November 10

Ascend Southeast Virtual Book Club Series – “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

November 16

Ascend Convention Replay: I ASCEND Luncheon featuring Ascend Got Talent (AGT)